Born : 25/04/1986 Brugge (Bruges) Belgium
Profession : Architect (eco/sustainability/universal design)
Education : - Basic and Highschool : Steinerschool (Waldorfschool) in Brugge (Bruges) Belgium.
- University : Master of Architecture (User Oriented Planning and Sustainable Design) at LUCA School of Arts,
Gent (Ghent) Belgium.
Career : - 8 months internship at Turbozen Architects (hotels and rest homes), Aalter, Belgium.
- 6 months internship at Alexis Versele Architects (eco architecture), Gent, Belgium.
- 1 year internship at Archi 4 Architects (eco architecture), Antwerpen, Belgium.
- Guest lecturer and researcher Universal Design APP at LUCA School of Arts, Gent (Ghent) Belgium
Experience : - Volunteer at orphanage in India (2 weeks).
- Volunteer building a basic school in Peru (3 weeks).
- Volunteer building a bridge and waterirrigation-system in Ghana (6 weeks).
Interests : Eco/sustainable architecture, volleyball, salsa, movies/tv shows, nature photography, traveling.